Introduction to static site generator

Sylvain Witmeyer
1 min readMar 29, 2017

Every month at work we are doing what we call a “Lunch and learn”. The company order lunchs for all of us and someone give a short presentation on the topic he wants.

As presentations are for IT and marketers they are far less technical than other posts I try to do but they can be still interesting because it gives a good overview on what can be done or what techno we could use later.

A lunch and learn is divided into two 30 minute segments. The first segment is for the presentation, then the 2nd segment is for Q&A.

This month, I decided to introduce the power of static website generator. It was a good mix between serverless architecture and great performance sites.

You will find below the screencast which show how to easily deploy your static site with hugo. Thanks to asciinema you can copy/paste every commands I wrote.

